How Business Owners Should Prepare for a Commercial Renovation or Build-Out

As a business owner, you may find yourself in the position of needing to renovate or build-out your existing commercial space. Commercial remodeling can make a big impact on your business’s appearance and profitability. However, commercial renovations/build-outs can be an overwhelming task that takes lots of time, care, and attention to prepare for. In this blog, we will discuss key steps business owners should take for a smooth and successful commercial renovation

Planning Stage

Before beginning any renovation project, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your goals and budget. Creating a solid plan for a project helps drive successful outcomes. 

Start off by determining your goals and making a list of your top priorities for the renovation or build-out. Some common goals may include:

  • Optimizing space for employee efficiency
  • Improving employee morale
  • Increasing value of property 
  • Rebranding your business
  • Improving energy efficiency

After coming up with a broad set of goals, write down ways that your commercial renovation can accomplish these goals. For example, if your main goal is to improve your building’s energy efficiency, your list may include replacing windows or upgrading the building’s HVAC system. 

Create a Project Agenda

Once you’ve established your goals and have determined your project budget, it’s time to create an agenda for your renovation or build-out. This should include a projected timeline, a list of required permits, and a list of contractors and vendors you will need for the project. This is also the ideal time to prepare for potential disruptions to your business and determine how you will work around these obstacles. 

Establish Clear Communication

Effective communication is key when undertaking any commercial renovation or build-out project. Make sure everybody involved in the project, including contractors, vendors, and your own team members are on the same page. Establish clear lines of communication within your team and ensure you know who to contact for questions or concerns about the project. 

Prepare for the Unexpected

No matter how well you plan for a construction project, unexpected issues can still arise. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the approach you need to take. Have contingency plans in place and ensure that you have some room for flexibility in your project plan. Preparing ahead of time for the unexpected will help save your business a ton of time and money in the case of a problem popping up. 

Building Relationships From the Ground Up

Undertaking a renovation or build-out project for your business is significant work. Therefore, it’s important to work with partners who you can trust and have experience in the industry. At Poli Construction, we are committed to our clients and want to build lasting relationships to satisfy their needs. When you work with us, you get partners who communicate with you along every step of the project lifecycle to ensure everything is going smoothly. For more information on how we can upgrade your existing commercial property, please contact us to set up an appointment. 

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